Welcome To Nursery
In Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, we believe children learn best through their play and exploring through first-hand experiences. We follow their interests and may learn about the world around us through topics such as superheroes, animals and their babies, celebrations, under the sea and holidays and many others.
We develop pre-writing and mark making skills through activities such as dough disco, music and movement and finger strong activities regularly during each week. We use maths skills on a daily basis through cross-curricular activities and explore all areas of the Early Years curriculum in a creative, fun and practical manner.
Early phonics skills, (Phase One) are developed through speaking and listening games, sharing stories and Nursery rhymes and music sessions. In preparation for starting Reception the children will have explored rhyme, alliteration and will have been introduced to some of the letters that are important to them, such as those in their names.
The children enjoy using the outdoor area to enhance their learning and develop their gross motor skills, climbing and balancing and using ride on toys such as trikes, scooters and space hoppers.